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A space for Spiritual healing.

Are you struggling to keep things normal?
Are you suffering from past life Memories?
Are you suffering from loneliness or unhealthy relationship? ETC……..

Since 2015. We establish Mystic of Seven with the motto of mankind, the oneness of brotherhood. Mystic of seven a Space where anyone can meet his/her own-self. And live her/his life with peace of mind.

What is Energy Healing ?

Our body is made up of five basic elements. (Earth, Water, Fire, Air, Space). Where the air is called Prana (breath) as well. Air mostly existed without Physical form. Accept this, Body has a different energy centres. We called is “Chakras”. This chakra has their own power.

Accept this - person has four Bodies.





What is physical body?
Our skin and everything under the skin, the brain, the organs, and
everything between the ears. It is the skeletal system, fascia, organs, and
blood, veins, and ligaments. We usually know when our physical body is
full or not, hurt or not, happy or not, healthy or not.

Masculine or Feminine: Masculine

How to bring the physical body into balance: Simple movements and
slow, balanced repetitive sequences, meditation, walking, massage,
barefoot or bare hand earth play (dirt, water, soil, sand), yoga, stretching,
and weight bearing exercises

What is Emotional body?
The nervous system, hormones, touch, water and water release (tears),
and water absorption. How we are doing emotionally is represented by
how calm or rough the waters are in our thoughts and our dream state.
 Some believe that the emotional body extends a few millimetres or
inches around the body. 

Masculine or Feminine: Feminine

How to bring the emotional body into balance: Anything that releases
emotion, tension, stress, and anxiety—this will create clear, running
waters with fewer rocks or less damning of the stream.  Yoga, Meditation,

What is Mental Body?
Our thoughts, attitudes, judgments, and prejudices—also how we
perceive our worth and value in the world. Some believe it is about a foot
out in diameter from the physical body, some feel it is inches. In mental
level we have Moral Evils. ( Anger, Greed, Attachment, Ego, Lust)
Sub-Evils (Jealous, Tension, Hate, Laziness, Regret, Self Confidence,

All this has generated in our mental body because of our past Karma’s
and Present Life’s Atmosphere. That’s why one person affected directly or
indirectly with above Evils in Mental body.

Masculine or Feminine: Masculine

How to bring the mental body into balance: talk therapy/Counselling with
an emotionally intelligent leader, and being in touch with emotions and
spirituality for balance. The type of person living mostly in the mental
body tends to overthink and overdrive, and doesn’t let go of emotional
strife or forgive easily or often. A mentor who can lead them through
positive thought mantras or positive stress releasing actions.

What is Spiritual body?
Connection to all things, including the earth/self, to what we call God, the
universe, the beyond, the divine, or higher self. This provides protection,
union, help, and guidance from an outside source as well as from those
who have passed on.

Masculine or Feminine: Feminine

How to bring the spiritual body into balance: Healing, meditation, Chakra
balancing, Counselling. Breath work. Gratitude, humbleness, generosity
and the act of giving—seeing others as you see (or wish to see) yourself,
and acting accordingly.

Mystic of Seven working on the above factors with the help of Meditation, Energy healing, Body Energy Purification Program, Counselling, Yoga or other different programs. There are different types of meditation system, different types of healing, different types of counselling. With the help of this one can resolve their problems of daily life.